IMD was established in 1970 to measure and provide consultancy services in wastewater contamination levels. It’s a service that IMD continues to provide to this day. Back then, IMD was founded by Friesland Campina’s predecessor. Measuring contamination levels in water is particularly important for many businesses, as this determines the level of raw material loss. These losses can be reduced through monitoring and providing consultancy services. IMD’s customers include not only commercial businesses and dairy plants but also water boards, municipalities and other government agencies. Since 2002, IMD operates as an independent business where the employees are part shareholders.
Commercial businesses
Companies want to know what materials and resources are lost to wastewater flows so they can take appropriate measures. IMD helps companies set up a measurement plan with the proper measuring equipment and reliable monitoring facilities. With the data from these measurements, businesses can find out how much of their raw materials are lost as wastewater. They can also see if they meet legal wastewater disposal requirements. IMD can measure material waste in real-time using smart sensor technologies. With IMD’s specially designed dashboard tool, material loss is made visible online for immediate action. Material waste through wastewater flows can be significant, amounting to up to 4% of total raw material volume. Thanks to IMD’s services, this can be brought back to and kept at a minimum. The average savings resulting from IMD projects can lead to between 0.5 and 1 million euros per year.
Water boards, municipalities and other government agencies
Water boards and municipalities want to gain insight into the wastewater that enters their sewage system. Measuring these waste flows is therefore also of importance to these agencies. IMD uses permanent or mobile equipment to measure sewage contamination in real-time. Unforeseen contamination can be traced, and governments gain better insight into their wastewater processes which, in turn, leads to informed decisions. IMD has a relatively large fleet of rental equipment to anticipate any potential sewage issues.
Expansion abroad
IMD’s in-house sensor technique and software are unique in the world. That is why IMD is now looking to expand their services abroad, starting with dairy plants in the surrounding countries. The dairy sector operates internationally, and IMD already works together with global players in the field. In the Netherlands, IMD’s annual average growth lies between 5 and 10%. Expansion abroad will accelerate this growth. That is why IMD expects to grow its employee base in the coming years from 35 to about 50 employees.
Export countries: Belgium, Germany, Denmark, and the United Kingdom