Adri Wortman

Wellington Bedden | Adri Wortman


Wellington Bedden

In Loenen, Wellington has been manufacturing box springs and mattresses since 1995. The nearly 25 employees produce about 60,000 to 70,000 mattresses per year: 100% top quality, Made in the Netherlands. 

In addition to supplying the retail trade, which naturally sets specific requirements for both design and individual comfort, Wellington also produces extensively for holiday resorts and the hotel industry. This of course requires extra specifications as regards fire retardancy, good comfort and resistance to vandalism. 

Wellington often works on a project basis, as this is where the history of the company lies. In shipping, both nationally and internationally, high-level fire retardancy is paramount. Certification is important at Wellington when supplying to offshore drilling platforms, cargo ships, but also luxury yachts.

As mentioned, holiday locations take up a large part of the production. Wellington has already furnished several holiday parks in the Netherlands and surrounding countries. A good sleep is crucial for hotels and parks. You can have a beautiful hotel or holiday park, but if people sleep poorly, the experience and appreciation suffer, resulting in bad reviews and a decrease in bookings. Fortunately, holiday parks are paying more and more attention to this and aim for quality. In addition to a good night's sleep, issues such as hygiene and ease of use also play a role. Wellington increasingly receives questions from people who have slept excellently in their accommodation asking where the mattresses are available, which is why Wellington started supplying the retail trade about 15 years ago.

Healthcare providers and hospitals are also in good hands with Wellington. Wellington also designs and produces anti-decubitus as well as certified incontinence mattresses.

Since 2009, Wellington has also been supplying top bed shops in the Netherlands. Not only are their own mattresses (own brand & private label) supplied, but also the box springs and mattresses are developed and produced in-house. The dealer network is still growing.


Wellington has a very good name and reputation in the market. This ensures a steady and growing stream of orders. Reputation and delivery reliability are crucial, not least in Germany, where Wellington stands for quality and stands by its commitments. This is why Germans in particular like to do business with Wellington. 

Export countries: Belgium, Germany, France, Austria, Spain